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Veterans Day 2023

Updated: Nov 8, 2023

Weekend Plan


First and foremost, welcome to the 2023 Annual Veterans Day Weekend! For years we have hosted this weekend in Uwharrie, but decided it was time for a new location. We are grateful to Linville Adventure Pastures for hosting us this weekend. Please treat their property like it was your own and let’s leave it better than we found it. We have a wonderful weekend planned for you all and we hope that you have a great time with it all!

This event is our single biggest fundraiser for Mind Over Land, a 501c3 charitable organization, whose mission is to “Impact Veteran lives through outdoor exploration”. We host six trips a year and ensure that all barriers to entry are removed for our Veterans, preventing them from having to overcome another hurdle to get outside. Every dollar we raise this weekend, through t-shirt sales, donations, and through your purchase of raffle tickets, goes back to funding these trips for veterans. We have been fortunate enough to have had thousands of dollars of items donated for the raffle, so if you can, please purchase as many tickets as you are comfortable with.

Please take the time to read (or watch or listen, see below) the information below as it will answer a lot of the questions you all may have.

We hope you enjoy your weekend and from all of us, THANK YOU FOR COMING AND THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!


Four Trails, each of which have a unique GMRS channel if help is needed. Please keep channels open if possible. Each trail will have a “lead” but they will not guide during the trip. That is the responsibility of each driver and GPX routes will be provided to those in advance the registered for the event. If you do not have the route, let one of the Mind Over Land Staff know at MOL HQ and we can do our best to get you the route.

GMRS Channels

Hwy 105- Channel 15 -Trail Captain (Chad)

Table Rock- Channel 16- Trail Captain (John)

Brown Mountain-Channel 17-Trail Captain (Josh)

Wilsons Creek-Channel 18- Trail Captain (Ryan)

Trail Captains will be in place from 0900-1500 for urgent needs/emergencies.

If you decide to do multiple trails, please switch to corresponding GMRS Channel when you get near that trail (use your own discretion as you get “near”).

Trail Departure Times-Line up for each one is 10 minutes prior, just after the last chalk pulls out. Announcements will be made over PA system, please do not line up prior.

Which Chalk should you choose? If you plan to do multiple trails line up with one of the first two chalks. If you plan to do 1 or two trails line up with Chalk A or B. There will be a limit to 25 vehicles per Chalk so please be patient as we get everyone out.

0900— All three stock trails A Chalk

0910— All three stock trails B Chalk

0920-- Brown Mountain All

0930-- Table Rock A Chalk

0940– Wilson’s Creek A Chalk – If you plan to fish, please make sure you have fishing license

0950— HWY 105 A Chalk

1000— Wilson’s Creek B Chalk – If you plan to fish, please make sure you have fishing license

1010— Table Rock B Chalk

1020— HWY 105 B Chalk

Riding on trails is NOT required if you want to hang back at camp for the day, that is fine.

Trail Reminders

  • Reminder in many places you will be 2000+ feet higher in elevation and temps can drop as much as 10° from where camp is

  • Speed limit on gravel road is not to exceed 35 mph

  • Highway one is a very busy road so please always be aware of oncoming traffic.

  • Also, the overlook called Wiseman view at Highway 105 is definitely worth the very short hike, which is all pavement is worth the short hike.

  • We encourage you to get out along the trails and take pictures, especially of the beautiful overlooks. But highly encouraged that you pull as far off the shoulder as you can.

  • Encourage you while you’re on the trails to run your lights so it’s easier to see as you’re coming around blind corners

  • Be aware that many of the roads will be smooth and all of a sudden there will be a nasty rut, so we very much encourage you to watch your speed along the trails

  • This weekend is truly meant to be a Discover re-and playground type environment. So get out explore multiple trails. Be safe.

  • Our trail captains are there to not serve as guides, but rather a point of help and assistance should it be needed

  • Stay on the trails and obey all laws

  • Some of the trails have lots of leaves down, so be careful if you need to break quickly, knowing that you might slide a little

  • On Wilson’s Creek, please watch for rocks.

  • On the switchbacks always be thinking about where your back tires are at

  • Please be on the lookout for mountain bikers and dual sports

Trail GPX files-Use your favorite trail mapping software (Google, Overland Bound, Gaia, OnX, etc).


This is a very important note for our Friends who will be attempting the Brown Mountain OHV trail this weekend. Please remember that for this trail, which will also be the only trail that is NOT stock friendly, that you MUST purchase your daily or yearly pass for the OHV trails BEFORE you head out on the trail.

Also, please read the below snip-it from the Forest Service website.

“The Brown Mountain OHV (off-highway vehicle) area, the only OHV area in the Pisgah National Forest, offers 34 miles of designated trails. Signs are located at the head of each trail section. A detailed map of the area is available for purchase.

These trails are mostly designed for trail bikes and ATVs. Jeeps and 4WD vehicles may only use Trail 8 and part of Trail 1. No bushwhacking or cutting vegetation is allowed. Restrooms and picnic facilities are available at the trailhead.”

There are several stores on the way to the trail system to purchase passes.

Please check out the website below and towards the bottom you can also find places to purchase a pass if you plan to do this trail. While this trail isn’t super hard we HIGHLY recommend that you have off-road experience before attempting this trail. You will be responsible for yourself while on this trail.

Again, passes are needed ONLY for the Brown Mountain OHV trail.


  • There are NO power options, all campers will be boondocking

  • If you have your own generator, please plan to silence by 10pm through 6am

  • Port-a-pottys are located in the middle of the property (See map)

  • Please camp in appropriate spots as directed by MOL Staff

  • Please arrive together with your camping group

  • Food Trucks will be available Saturday

  • All Dogs/Cats/Horses must remain on a leash

  • We would highly encourage you to bring your own potable water

  • Fires are ONLY allowed in the designated fire pit

  • Hammocks must be attached to minimum 8 inch diameter trees

  • RVs/Trailers park and camp in designated areas only

  • PLEASE NOTE: this is festival style camping and you will be camping by others

Food Trucks-currently confirmed-They will accept cash or credit cards

· Mexican

· Pizza

· Philly Cheesesteak

· Ice Cream

· Popcorn

· Coffee/Pastries


Friday, November 10th- 1500-2000---Check in, set up camp and bonfire/fellowship

Saturday, November 11th- 0800---Check in for those not able to come on Friday 0855---Driver Line Assembly 0900-till---Briefing and Departure from appropriate Chalk to chosen trail 1630---Drivers back from trails 1700---Prep your OWN Dinner or buy at Food Truck 1745---Speaker 1800---Prizes 1900---Bonfire 2200---Quiet Hours

Sunday, November 12th- 0900---Break down camp, clean up, depart at your leisure 1100---All Departure 1130---Anyone who wants to help clean camp 1200---Hard break, leave camp

Map of Linville Adventure Pasture

The black lines represent where you will be set up for camping by our host. Additional areas for our Storytellers and Vendors will be identified Friday morning and we will have signs indicating where they are located.

A few pictures from the trail this week

Finally please note that in participating in the event, that you agree to hold Mind Over Land harmless for any damages and also agree to the terms of the Release of Liability which can be found below.



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